Mary Jean Cuddyre Mastridge
Junior Past Department President -

Mary Jean Cuddyre Mastridge of Levittown, Pennsylvania, was elected Department President at the 99th Annual Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary Department of Pennsylvania on June 17, 2023, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 

Mary Jean Cuddyre Mastridge is a member of John Billington VFW Auxiliary, Post 6495, Levittown, PA. She joined the Auxiliary in 2008 and has been a member for 14 years. Mary Jean joined under the eligibility of her late husband, Daniel, who served in the United States Marine Corps in Vietnam. Her current husband is Benjamin Mastridge Sr., Past PA VFW State Commander. She has a son, Daniel Cuddyre and a daughter-in-law, Carla, and two granddaughters, Isla and Stella. She is also a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. Mary Jean likes to read, travel, and take walks. Her favorite Auxiliary program is Mentoring for Leadership. She is proud to serve in the VFW Auxiliary; an organization serving the Veterans of Foreign Wars members, deceased Veterans and our communities.


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.