Legislative Jingle 

Hey VFW, Auxiliary members of Pennsylvania this is a reminder.

That we make sure the new Priority Goals are taken out of your binder.

Then reviewed and made sure our Congressional members in Washington.

Lobby for the passing of our bills,

And making sure they become a law and just not sit on Capitol Hill.   

We need to make sure our bills presented to Congress for Veterans past, present, and future,

Are handled by our legislators and passed for sure.

Our bills are just as important as any other piece of other legislation.

And need as much attention as any other in our nation. 

Show our Veterans, active duty, and their families we have their backs.

So this is one more hurdle that won’t fall through the cracks. 


As members of the VFW Auxiliary, we can appreciate and celebrate the legislative victories that we, as an organization, supported to better serve all veterans.   Much has been accomplished, but there is so much more to do.  The more our members know and understand legislative matters, the better they can support the veterans, service members and their families and show that we are "Banding Together for Our Veterans” to "Let Freedom Ring.”






National Award Forms

2023-2024 Legislative Award No. 1

The Legislative Program:

Promotes the VFW Priority Goals.

The Priority Goals reflect the resolutions passed by the VFW to strengthen and ensure an adequate VA system for millions of current and future veterans. They call for much-needed attention to crises and are grouped under six areas of concern:
  • Budget
  • Health Care
  • Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs
  • Education, Employment and Transition Assistance
  • Military Quality of Life
  • National Security, Foreign Affairs and POW/MIA

Promotes Action Corps
Stay informed and up-to-date on issues facing our veterans, our military and their families by signing up to receive the VFW’s Action Corps Weekly e-newsletter. The VFW Action Corps is free and open to all patriotic Americans who care about the military and veterans’ communities.
Encourages all citizens to exercise their right to vote and contact legislators regarding issues impacting veterans and their families.
National YouTube Video

VA Welcome Kit

Action Corps Weekly


Auxiliary Legislative Tools & Resources

Legislative Websites


VFW Legislative Resources