Jeanna Leydic
Youth Activities Chairman -

Jeanna Leydic is a member of Frances Sherman VFW Auxiliary to Post 212 in Bradford, PA. She joined the organization under the eligibility of her husband, Floyd, who served in the United States Army Special Forces with five tours combined to Iraq and Afghanistan. Jeanna loves horseback riding and spending time with her family. She also enjoys spending her time raising money for non-profit Veteran organizations to help Veterans and their families in times of need.
Jeanna emphasizes that she's looking forward to bringing all the best activities along with education and fun to the Youth Activities program this year!
Some tips from Jeanna include:
  • Reaching out to local schools and youth groups to promote the Youth Activities of the VFW and the Auxiliary.
  • 4-H and FFA programs are something that she would love to see us combine with, as agriculture is very near and dear to her heart, along with our youth!


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.