Joan Faddis
District 9 -

Joan Baldwin Faddis is the President of District 9, Chester and Lancaster Counties. She is a member of Butler, O'Connor, McCormick VFW Auxiliary, Post 106, in West Chester, PA. She joined the Auxiliary in 1978 under the eligibility of her father, Sgt. Russell "Bud" Baldwin, Jr., a US Army Veteran who served in the Korean War and received 2 Purple Hearts. She has 3 children, 12 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. She is a voracious reader and loves sewing and crocheting. She became a member of the Auxiliary, because she is dedicated to repaying Veterans for all they provide for us. Her favorite Auxiliary Program is Scholarships. "I will do anything to promote education for our students and providing them with assistance with secondary education expenses." Please give her a call for any and all information, regarding scholarship possibilities. 


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.