Nancy Bauman
District 13 -

Nancy Bauman is the President of District 13, Berks County. She is a member of the Birdsboro VFW Auxiliary, Post 411, in Birdsboro, PA. She has belonged to the VFW Auxiliary for the past 12 years. She joined the Auxiliary under the eligibility of her Step-father, who served in the US Army. She has 4 daughters and one son. She is most often seen with two of her daughters, who accompany her to most of the Auxiliary conventions, conferences and activities. Family is extremely important to Nancy. She believes in supporting our Veterans in any way she can. In her spare time, she likes puzzles, adult coloring and scrapbooking.



Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.