Shelvajean Baysinger
District 24 -

Shelvajean O. Baysinger is the President of District 24, Greene and Washington Counties. She is a member of Waynesburg VFW Auxiliary, Post 4793, in Waynesburg, PA. She joined our organization in 1985, under the eligibility of her husband, a US Army Veteran who served in both Korea and Vietnam. Her grandfather, Orval, was a US Army Veteran who served during WWII, in Africa and Italy under General Patton.  In her spare time, Shelvajean enjoys knitting, genealogy, and playing with her house plants. Her husband had been Post Commander three times before she met him. She got involved with the Auxiliary to work with Veterans and to honor her late husband. She loves the Hospital Program and knitting lap robes for our Veterans in the VA Hospitals. She also enjoys participating in the Spring and Fall Craft Shows and the Car Show that her Auxiliary sponsors.


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.