Cindy Utter Peters
Buddy Poppy - National Home Chairman -
Cindy Utter Peters joined the VFW Auxiliary in 2006, under the eligibility of her father, Kenneth, who served in the US Army during World War II. She is a member of King David Auxiliary to Post 1132 located in Kane, PA. Her hobbies include following the Pittsburgh Pirates, St. Bonaventure Men's Basketball and the Buffalo Bills. She also enjoys golf and bowling though she hasn't been very active recently. Cindy became interested in the Auxiliary programs through the many meetings she's attended throughout her years in the VFW Auxiliary. She was able to assist her local Girl Scout Troop to add Buddy Poppies to grapevine wreaths to display at their VFW after a quick lesson about their history. During the years, Cindy's husband, Ron, ran through the chairs on his way to becoming State Commander, and he explained to her what the VFW National Home is. After that, she was very interested in it and was blessed to be able to see it in person. According to Cindy, "Words do not give it justice!" She wants everyone to remember to educate, inspire and introduce new and old ideas! Communicate throughly with everyone and make sure that everyone WANTS to participate.
When asked if she wanted to include anything else, Cindy stated "Through the years that I have been involved with VFW Auxiliary, it has been a real pleasure to have met so many wonderful people working hard to serve our veterans. I am honored to serve as the Program Chairperson for Buddy Poppy/National Home! I am hoping I can be successful and honor those who have served before me."